Of course you can take the mp3 below and distribute them as you like. You can even put them on Tape or CD/R compilations, but you are not allowed to make any profit of these.
Same goes with making T-Shirts and patches. Its fun and totally Punk to screenprint Shirts of your favourite bands. Go ahead and do it for you and your friends. But if you start selling them without asking for our permission first you are in serious trouble...
This is our art and people want to wear the Shirts and stuff because they like what we do. If you make and sell merchandise with our art without our permission than you are stealing our work and theft wille be treated as theft!
All Data on this website is © 1997-2025 by MURDER DISCO X. Only data that is linked from the media subdirectory here on this "Media" page can be used under the restrictions of the Creative Commons-License as described when you follow the link below.
Creative Commons-License restrictions!
If you want to make T-Shirts or Patches for your own private use go ahead, but please use the original logos linked below. You are not allowed to make any profit with anything you create using our original artwork, you are not allowed to alter the original artwork, for details see the Creative Commons-License restrictions above. If you make patches or Shirts feel free to send us some samples via the address on the contact page.
For commercial licenses contact us via the same address.
MURDER DISCO X logo letters 6656 x 936 269KB
If you want to make Buttons for your own private use go ahead, but please use the original artwork that we createfd for 1" buttons linked below. You are not allowed to make any profit with anything you create using our original artwork, you are not allowed to alter the original artwork, for details see the Creative Commons-License restrictions above. If you make buttons feel free to send us some samples via the address on the contact page.
For commercial licenses contact us via the same address.
All Our Releases are available on Bandcamp for free!